Auburn basketball learns, reflects at 9/11 Memorial


Dec. 11, 2016

By Charles Goldberg

NEW YORK - And in the background they heard the names of the victims being read one by one, by family, by teachers, by friends.

The Auburn basketball team took more than an educational side trip to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum on Saturday. They were able to step back and learn what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center Twin Towers were struck, when 2,977 died.

Auburn flew in to New York and bused directly to the memorial before practicing for Monday's game against Boston College in Madison Square Garden. The Garden is a historic site as well, but it's fame is mostly limited to sports.

It doesn't require the sometimes quiet-reflection of the 9/11 Memorial and what Sept. 11 has come to mean. Auburn coach Bruce Pearl took it all in with his team.

"It probably means something different to each individual," he said. "As a coach, you're in a position of leadership over young men, it just reminds me of the awesome responsibility to leaders around the world when we engage in war, power and money, that people pay an enormous price. For us, it's a great tragedy. For me, it's a lesson that you have some power and influence, be careful how you use it. Use it for the better good."

Pearl said he was grateful that Auburn OK'd the trip to New York, for education, for a game against his alma mater.

"This is part of the educational process, the experience of seeing this, and, of course, and opportunity to play basketball," he said.

Charles Goldberg is a Senior Writer at Follow him on Twitter: Follow @AUGoldMine

Photos from Auburn's visit to the 9/11 Memorial

Bruce Pearl takes a photo of some of his guys at the 9/11 Memorial