Get To Know...Olivia Marino

Get To Know...Olivia MarinoGet To Know...Olivia Marino

It's time to meet the Auburn equestrian freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers. Olivia Marino kicks off another meet week for us!
Hometown: Birmingham, Ala.
Major: Pre-Building Science
Prior to Auburn: 2019 TNRHA Non Pro year end Champion, Limited Non Pro year end Champion,  and Intermediate Non Pro year end Champion … 2018 NRHA Youth 14-18 World Champion … Fourth-place finisher in the 2018 NRHA youth 14-18 world standings … 2018 Youth 14-18 Top Ten at Congress.
Q: Why did you chose Auburn?
A: I chose Auburn because ever since I was little, my dad would always bring me to the football games, and I have always loved it. Auburn has always been a second home to me.
How long have you been riding and what is the name of the first pony you rode?
I have been riding ever since I was able to sit up, but I started Reining about seven years ago. The first horse I every rode was a little miniature horse named Tinker-Toy, but my first Reiner was Smarty.
What's the best part about being from Birmingham?
The best thing about being from Birmingham is being so close to Auburn. I also love the weather. I'm not a big fan of cold weather so I love the warm weather. I also love the southern traditions and culture.
You got to compete in the first meet for the Tigers in Reining. What was first meet like for you and what was the biggest lesson you took away from that?
I loved competing and it was amazing representing the team. I learned a lot and it helped me get ready for the next one. The biggest lesson I learned from the first meet of the year was that when I go into the arena, I need to relax and enjoy the moment.
What is the best part about competing in Reining?
The best part about competing in Reining is being able to ride fast. I especially love the running and stopping.
What is your favorite dessert and why?
My favorite dessert would have to be homemade red velvet cake. This is my favorite because it is never dry and tastes like heaven.
If you're stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three items with you, what would they be and why?
If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three items, I would bring a polaroid so that I can take pictures for memories, my phone, hoping that there would be cell service, and a mattress, so that I could sleep comfortably.
What are some of your athletic goals while being at Auburn?
One of my main athletic goals I have for myself is just simply contributing to the team in some way. And of course, win some rings.
What are some of your academic goals while being at Auburn?
The main goal I have right now for school is getting good grades.
What is your favorite Auburn tradition?
My favorite Auburn tradition would have to be the eagle flying before the football games or rolling Toomer's Corner after a win. The best memory I've had rolling Toomer's was in 2017, when football pulled an upset over Alabama.
What is your major and what do you plan on doing with it?
Right now, I am a pre-building science major. I am not quite sure what I am planning on doing with that major right now. I think I want to go into some sort of construction management.
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
My favorite thing to do in my free time is spend time with my friends/teammates.
What are your go-to pizza toppings and why?
My go to pizza topping would have to be pepperoni, black olives, and meatballs. I've always loved pepperoni and olives on my pizzas, then one of my friends introduced me to meatballs, and I absolutely love it!
If you had the opportunity to do any other sport, what would it be and why?
If I had the opportunity to play any other sport, I would choose volleyball because I played it during middle and high school and loved it!
What has been your favorite memory so far with your teammates?
My favorite memory so far with my teammates would have to be when we all had a huge nerf gun war in the South Donahue dorms with most of my teammates!