Get to know the newcomers: LJ Knox


A crop of new Tigers is on the Plains and ready for the 2021 season. Follow along over the next two weeks as we re-introduce our 2021 class through a question and answer segment with each player.

Our next newcomer to be re-introduced to the Auburn Family is freshman defender LJ Knox.

Hometown: Brentwood, Tenn.
High School: Brentwood Academy
Club Team: Tennessee SC
Birthdate: Oct. 27, 2002
Instagram: None

Q: Who or what inspired you to play soccer?
A: My big brothers inspired me to play soccer. Most of my earliest childhood memories include a sports venue of some sort as we traveled around from place to place watching my two big brothers play whatever sport was in season. When it was finally my turn to compete, I played any and every sport I could, including flag football. Although I loved playing a variety of sports, it was ultimately soccer that won me over my junior year. The strategy, speed, power and physicality of the game made it a natural fit and unlike other sports. My love for this particular game has only grown throughout the years. 

Q: What is your favorite soccer memory growing up?
A: There are many soccer memories that would qualify as favorites while growing up, but there are two that specifically stand out above the rest. First, traveling with my dad for weekend tournaments and somehow always finding a station that happened to be playing "our" movie, World War Z. Second, playing in my last high school soccer game. I had played with many of the girls for seven years, and all of us coming together as a team one last time will always be a memory I will cherish.

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment on or off the field?
A: My greatest accomplishment is being given the amazing opportunity to continue my education at Auburn University while playing soccer for Coach Hoppa. 

Q: Do you have any pre-match superstitions?
A: Before every game I have to have a bite of a Snickers bar. Since I can remember, my dad would always get a Snickers before my game and share a bite with me to get that pregame energy flowing. 

Q: What were your biggest factors in choosing Auburn?
A: When deciding between colleges, I thought I had made my decision until my last visit, which happened to be Auburn. After being on campus and meeting with the coaches and staff, it became obvious that Auburn was special. It would be a place that would not only train and challenge me to become the best student-athlete I could be, but everyone involved with the program seemed to actually care about the players on and off the field.

Q: What is your favorite Auburn tradition?
A: That's easy. There is no tradition that beats rolling Toomer's Corner after a big win. 

Q: What are you most excited about for the upcoming season?
A: I am most excited about how I will continue to develop as a player combined with the shared experiences I will have being a part of a team as special as this one. 

Q: If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
A: If I could eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be chicken. Just so much variety on how to cook it. Or popsicles, naturally. 

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
A: Teleportation is no doubt the best superpower to have because you can be anywhere at any time no matter what. Things like traffic and logistics keeping me from seeing my four brother's play in their games or running a few minutes behind wouldn't be an issue. 

Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?
A: My favorite show is The Office because it's not one of those shows you have to keep up with to fully appreciate it, although you would do yourself a huge disservice not to watch it in its entirety. It's short, yet hilarious, and watching reruns are almost more enjoyable than watching the episode for the first time. Dwight is no doubt the best. 

Q: What major do you plan to pursue and what led you to choosing that subject?
A: I am considering majoring in human development and family services or exercise science/kinesiology. Specifically, I have a deep desire to help the underserved and those who struggle with physical disabilities. 

Q: What are your biggest goals during your time at Auburn?
A: My biggest goals are to reach my full potential as a soccer player and be a difference maker as a teammate, in whatever capacity that might be. I plan to excel as a student-athlete, helping our team maintain our stellar GPA while also succeeding within my major. 

Q: What do you hope to do when your playing days are over?
A: When my playing days are over, I would like to perhaps become a pediatric occupational therapist or physical therapist. Specifically, I would like to attend to children who have been born with a variety of physical limitations that attempt to disrupt their everyday quality of life.