Web Gyms with Brooke Bray

Web Gyms with Brooke BrayWeb Gyms with Brooke Bray

Nov. 4, 2014

West Palm Beach, Fla.

By Megan Bifano

Brooke Bray is one of the new additions to the Auburn gymnastics roster this year. From West Palm Beach, Fla., Bray is joining the Tigers as a regional floor champion in 2013 and a national qualifier in both 2013 and 2014. Bray is looking forward to feeling the "family atmosphere" produced by the fans and her teammates as the start of the 2015 gets closer.

Bray not only chose Auburn for its exceptional gymnastics program but also for its cutting-edge veterinary program. The Florida native has enjoyed the hospitality of the Auburn Family, something that has made Bray's transition to college easier as time wears on.

Q: Why Auburn?
A: "Ever since I probably went to high school, I have just watched Auburn football and because of the football, I started to look at the school online. Then, I realized that they had a really good veterinary program and that their gymnastics program is obviously very good, too. So, it was kind of just like the perfect blend of everything. It just made me only want to come here."

Q: If you could have dinner with any person (athlete or not) who would it be and why?
A: "Let's see... I would say Taylor Swift, because she's a really great person to look up to. She's probably very fun to be around."

Q: Do you have any nicknames? How did you get it?
A: "Mostly, people just call me Brookie, but that's about it. I don't really have any other nicknames."

Q: Who is your celebrity crush?
A: "Ooh ... I would have to say ... that's a tough one! I have a lot! I would probably say Ryan Reynolds."

Q: What do you like to do outside of gymnastics?
A: "Watch Netflix and take naps!"

Q: What teammate (past or present) do you look up to and why?
A: "I would definitely say a girl at my old gymnastics facility. She was kind of like my biggest competition, so I guess we were always pushing each other to do better. If she stuck her beam routine or did something really well, I would try to either do the same thing or one-up her. We always just had a friendly competition between each other, and I think that it just made both of us better in the long run."

Q: How is the transition to college going for you?
A: "Since I came here in the summer, it was a little better of a transition, but I am still transitioning a lot. I still haven't figured it out yet, but I'm getting better. It's getting easier."

Q: What are you looking forward to the most about being an Auburn Tiger?
A: "I would say just the family atmosphere. Since I'm here now, I feel like my kids hopefully will want to come here. They'll realize or get to experience the family atmosphere that everyone talks about, because it's honestly true."

Q: What does the Auburn Family mean to you?
A: "It's hard to explain, because when I go home - I live in Florida - it's just completely different. I feel like everyone here is just so much nicer, and they are always just willing to help you even if it's a complete stranger. I have had multiple instances where someone has helped me or has just done something for me out of the blue. I'm just like, `Whoa! I'm not used to this.' You can definitely tell from where I used to live and living here now the difference in the community of people."