'Where I wanted to be ' - equestrian's Jessica Braswell

'Where I wanted to be ' - equestrian's Jessica Braswell'Where I wanted to be ' - equestrian's Jessica Braswell

July 17, 2017

By Tori Sisson

AUBURN, Ala. - Jessica Braswell, associate head coach for Auburn's equestrian program, feels fortunate that her career has brought her back to her alma mater.

Although Braswell came from a divided household in which her mom went to Auburn and her dad went to Alabama, Auburn's promising equestrian program made for an easy choice for Jessica.

"Auburn's equestrian team was a big thing for me when I was looking at schools, and I actually came down to one of the camps while I was in high school. It was my first visit to Auburn and I fell in love with the school and with the program," Braswell said. "That's kind of how it all started, and when I left I knew this is where I wanted to be."

The expectations Braswell had for Auburn did not fall short, as her freshman year team won Auburn's first equestrian national championship in 2006. "That's probably my top memory," she said. "Being on that first team to win a championship, especially now, you don't necessarily realize it until you get to look back on it.

"That was something that was so cool because until you're able to do something like that and accomplish it with a team you don't really realize how much bigger the team is than yourself. Coming from a sport that you're an individual growing up, getting the opportunity to come and be part of something bigger than yourself and work toward that common goal with a group of girls and accomplish it--that was huge."

Braswell excelled athletically and academically, earning a double major in Spanish-International trade and agricultural business and economics, then remaining at Auburn to earn at MBA while serving as equestrian's first graduate assistant.

Braswell credits her time as an Auburn student-athlete for easing her transition to the corporate world in her role working in health care in Conn.

"I had to move somewhere where I didn't know anybody, I didn't have anywhere to live, I just kind of got in my car and went up there," she said. "I think having been on the team, developing those leadership skills, and working with people gave me the confidence to be able to do that."

However, when coach Greg Williams offered a spot on Auburn's equestrian coaching staff, Braswell did not hesitate. "I got the opportunity to come back, and I haven't left," she said. "So, I'm Auburn through-and-through for sure."

Of all the things Braswell loves about Auburn, the family atmosphere sticks out to her the most. "Auburn is a special place, we talk about family and it really is that," she said. "I think one of the coolest things is anywhere you go, anytime you're wearing an AU, you'll get a 'War Eagle' from somebody."

Braswell has nothing but positive things to say about Auburn and had no plans of leaving anytime soon.

"I'm so happy to still be here," she said. "I've actually lived in Auburn longer than I've lived anywhere now, so it really has become home. It was a great experience as an athlete and I'm lucky to be back as a coach."