Get To Know ... Meredith Sylvia

Get To Know ... Meredith SylviaGet To Know ... Meredith Sylvia

Dec. 31, 2017

Amanda Ronan, Media Relations Intern

Freshman gymnast, Meredith Sylvia's love for gymnastics goes way beyond her personal goals and hopes in her gymnastics career. In fact, her favorite aspect of being a gymnast does not have anything to do with the beam, vault or the mat, but all to do with being a positive role model for young boys and girls. "I love being a gymnast because of how many little girls and boys look up to us," Sylvia said. "I love to think that we are positive role models for the next generation."

Before coming to Auburn, Sylvia trained at the Parkettes Gymnastics Training Center in Pennsylvania. Sylvia was a two-time JO National qualifier, two-time Regional All-Around Champion and two-time USA Visa National Championships qualifier. She holds Eight Region 7 event titles which includes two All-Around crowns in 2014 and 2015. Sylvia has goals to become a crucial part of the Auburn Gymnastics squad while putting in 100 percent effort every day.

Q: What made you want to come to Auburn from Pennsylvania?
A: I lived in Tennessee until I was 10 years old and ever since I moved up north I knew I wanted to be back in the South for college. I also loved the energy of the SEC and wanted to be a part of the Auburn Family.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Auburn?
A: My favorite thing about Auburn is the family atmosphere and the traditions such as rolling Toomer's Corner and saying "War Eagle".

Q: What are your goals academically while being at Auburn?
A: Academically, I just want to work as hard as I can and do the best I can in every class. I want to grow as a student and graduate with a degree that will land me a job I love.

Q: What are your goals athletically while being at Auburn?
A: Athletically, I want to be a crucial part of the team and put in 100% effort every day.

Q: When going through adversity, which teammate do you depend on the most and why?
A: I depend on Kendal Moss a lot. Since this is her second year here, she can give me tips and answer my questions. I relate to her and she is a good friend to go to for advice.

Q: What do you miss most about being home?
A: Even though one reason I came here was for the warm weather, I do miss the cold. The Christmas season just doesn't feel the same without snow.

Q: Who is your role model and why?
A: My role models are my parents because they are the reason I can pursue my career here. Without them, I would be nowhere.

Q: If you had to be stuck on an island with two other teammates who would they be and why?
A: Gracie Day because she is always entertaining and Cara Stricklin because she is handy with tools and would probably have a pocket knife on her.

Q: What's something in Auburn that you love and don't have back home?
A: I love the southern hospitality at Auburn. We definitely do not have that back in Pennsylvania.

Q: What's your major and what made you want to pursue that major?
A: I am a marine biology major. I picked this major because I want my office to be by the ocean. I knew I wanted to work with animals, and sharks always interested me. Also, I want to be a part of protecting our ocean and its creatures.

Q: What's your favorite aspect of being a gymnast?
A: I love being a gymnast because of how many little girls and boys look up to us. I love to think that we are positive role models for the next generation.

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