Bruce Pearl to Represent Children's Harbor in Coaches Charity Challenge


Jan. 2, 2018

AUBURN, Ala. - Auburn head coach Bruce Pearl will represent Children's Harbor in the annual Coaches Charity Challenge, put on by the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) and Infiniti.

Pearl is one of 48 coaches participating in the challenge that features four rounds of voting. The coach with the most votes after four rounds wins $100,000 for their charity. Each charity will receive money for every round their representative coach is voted through, with the minimum amount they receive increasing round by round.

You can vote for Coach Pearl and Children's Harbor daily at

"Children's Harbor is a special place for kids that are going through a variety of serious health challenges and their families to experience camp," Pearl said. "For them to have a week of fun at the lake just like families with children that don't have to live and fight through these challenges, it's special."

Children's Harbor offers patients and their families two unique environments to strengthen family bonds and find balance and support during and after hospitalization. All of the services offered at both campuses are provided to families at no cost.

Children's Harbor's mission is to help children with serious illnesses and their families. This is done at both the Lake Martin campus and the Birmingham Family Center. The 66-acre lake campus provides no cost camping facilities to over 23 different non-profit organizations.

The Family Center at the Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children offers seriously ill children and their families free counseling for everyone involved, education services and tutoring, scheduled activities, an exercise room, a library, salon, laundry facilities and much more.

"By supporting Children's Harbor, you're helping these kids go to camp," Pearl said. "I appreciate the NABC and Infiniti for having the vision by providing us the vehicle to help all of these worthwhile causes."

Votes can also be counted through the use of social media. Every time fans use #Timeout2Vote and #CoachBrucePearl on Twitter and Instagram, Children's Harbor receives a vote.