Catching Up With … Jessica Jones

Catching Up With … Jessica JonesCatching Up With … Jessica Jones

AUBURN, Ala. – Many student-athletes leave the Plains for a professional world away from the sport that brought them to Auburn. One of those excelling in her profession is former Auburn equestrian, Jessica Jones.
Jones, one of Auburn's all-time winningest Horsemanship riders, earned her undergraduate degree in animal science through the College of Agriculture in 2010. She was recently recognized as a 2018 National Collegiate Equestrian Association Distinguished Alum for her involvement in the equine industry, working as a veterinarian.
Q: You've been busy since you graduated! What is your current role and where did you earn your postgraduate degree?
A: I earned my Vet degree from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine with my clinical year of vet school completed at Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine. I am currently an Associate Veterinarian at DeKalb Animal Hospital in Fort Payne, Ala.
Q: You were honored by the NCEA this past year as a Distinguished Alumni. What was going through your mind when you found out about the award?
A: I was extremely honored when I learned about the distinguished alumni award. It was a long road to becoming a Veterinarian full of sacrifices and hard times but also happy times, too. Winning this award made me just think back to all the hard work and it shows how it paid off. So thankful and blessed the coaching staff nominated me for the award.
Q: During your time in vet school, you had the opportunity to travel to South Africa. What did you do there and what did you take away from that trip?
A: The South Africa trip to date was one of the best trips of my life. A group of four vet students went over to help mainly in conservation work to protect the rhinos from poaching which is a huge problem right now. We vaccinated and tagged multiple different species of wildlife and worked on wildlife health. It's a trip I look back on that was truly amazing and hopefully would love to go back one day to do work again.
Q: It seems most kids at a young age all want to be a vet at some point. What was it about the profession that made you "go all the way" so to speak?
A: I guess looking back, it's all I ever saw myself being. Of course, I questioned my decision at times but it was what I always ended coming back to. I just felt like it was what I was called to do.
Q: What is your favorite thing about your job?
A: There are many things, but I think mostly I love the vet client relationships that we form. I know how much my animals mean to me and it brings me happiness if I can be there to help support and heal others people's animals. Of course, you watch these animals from puppies and throughout their life. I become very attached like they were my own and I think that's what it's all about.
Q: Now looking at your time on the Plains, who was someone either in athletics or academics that really played a big role in getting you where you are today?
A: Dr. Wolfe with the College of Veterinary medicine was very influential to me while on the plains. He took me under his wing, encouraged me and helped me apply to vet schools and get in.
Q: What was the best part about being a student-athlete on the Plains?
A: There are so many things that I look back on that shows being a student-athlete that is just amazing. First off, it's Auburn and it truly is an Auburn Family. The relationships I have formed from the different athletic teams from not only the girls on the equestrian team, but from the football, baseball, and diving teams that have lasted a lifetime. With that said, my favorite part of being an athlete at Auburn was the honor of representing such an amazing school with the other talented athletes that, as we get older, still honor that pride of getting to say we were an Auburn athlete.
Q: Is there one or two moments that you would describe as a "War Eagle" moment while you were on the team?
A: Winning the SEC Championship and the hunt seat girls winning the National Championship is for sure a War Eagle for me!
Q: Is there something about being on the team you miss that you didn't think you would?
A: Haha! Someone yelling at me to workout... who would ever think I would miss that because I was never the best one at the workouts, but I do.
Q: What is your favorite Greg Williams quote?
A: Plant a seed for the tree you'll never shade under ... I got to really experience that watching the girls win nationals this year!! War Eagle!!