Get To Know...Bella Rosenthall

Get To Know...Bella RosenthallGet To Know...Bella Rosenthall

Amanda Ronan, Auburn Media Relations Intern
If she could describe herself in three words, freshman Bella Rosenthall, would describe herself as athletic, passionate and loving. She would describe herself as athletic for obvious reasons, but she truly exemplifies the characteristics of a passionate and loving person- not just in the game of volleyball, but also in her daily life.
"I'm passionate because I care for things and people," Rosenthall said. "I'm loving because I want to get to know everyone and love everyone I meet."
She looks forward to joining the Auburn Family to ultimately be a part of something bigger than herself.
Before coming to the Plains, Rosenthall was on the 2017 Under Armour Watchlist, 2016 AAU All-American, 2017 All-State, 2016 and 2017 HHC All-Conference, led her team, Yorktown High School, to three-straight Hoosier Heritage Conference championships (2014-2016) and was a part of the 2016 Indiana State Championship team. Rosenthall's biggest goal, athletically, while being at Auburn is to break records, win the SEC and go far in the NCAA Tournament. 
Q: What made you want to come to Auburn when you were going through the recruiting process?
A: Right when I got to campus I instantly fell in love with how beautiful it was. When I met the team and the staff though, I knew it was the right choice.
Q: What does the Auburn Family mean to you?
A: The Auburn Family means that there is always someone there for you. We're just a big community that supports one another.
Q: What makes you the most excited about becoming an Auburn Tiger?
A: Just joining the Auburn Family and be a part of something bigger than myself.
Q: How do you plan on making an impact your freshman year?
A: I'm pretty good at talking and communicating, so I think that will really work in my benefit to just keep a lot of energy on the team.
Q: What is your main goal academically while being at Auburn?
A: To just get and maintain good grades and work toward my goal of becoming a speech pathologist.
Q: What is your main goal athletically while being at Auburn?
A: For the team, I want us to make it really far in the NCAA tournament and win the SEC. For me, I just want to break a lot of records.
Q: If you could sit down and go to dinner with any famous person, who would it be and why?
A: Justin Bieber. I'm obsessed with him. I've always been obsessed with him. I've always thought he was amazing.
Q: What three words describe you?
A: Athletic, passionate and loving. I would say athletic because I've played sports my whole life, I'm passionate because I care for things and people and I'm loving because I want to get to know everyone and love everyone I meet.
Q: What is something you will miss the most from home?
A: My family and my little brother especially.
Q: Who is your biggest role model?
A: My mom. My brother is handicapped, so she has a lot of responsibility taking care of him. She's a really strong women and one day I hope to be as strong as she is.
Q: What is something that is on your bucket list?
A: Skydiving. I want to do it, but I'm really scared. I feel like I would get up there and freeze, but it's something I really want to do.
Q: What song would you be found listening to before a game?
A: Honestly, a Justin Bieber song. I vibe to any Justin Bieber song.
Q: Do you have any pregame superstitions?
A: I just sit in the quiet and calm myself down.
Q: Where would you take your dream vacation?
A: The Maldives or Bora Bora. I would just want to go somewhere tropical where the water is completely clear and blue.