Get To Know...McKayla Langmeier

Get To Know...McKayla LangmeierGet To Know...McKayla Langmeier

Amanda Ronan, Auburn Media Relations
Freshman McKayla Langmeier came to Auburn to ultimately just be a part of the Auburn Family. Along with the great camaraderie that the Auburn equestrian program has with all of the great coaches and teammates, the Auburn Family means a lot to Langmeier.
"I wanted to come to Auburn because I wanted to be a part of the Auburn Family," Langmeier said. "I just wanted to be a part of it all."
Langmeier came from East Granby, Conn., with a plethora of accolades and concluded the first half of the season with an unblemished record in Hunter Seat. She stands at 4-0-0 in Equitation Over Fences with one MOP and has a 3-0-0 mark in Equitation on the Flat.
Q: What made you want to come to Auburn?
A: I wanted to come to Auburn because I wanted to be a part of the Auburn Family. I also think the equestrian team has such great camaraderie. It makes it special. I just wanted to be a part of it all.
Q: What makes Auburn unique from other places and schools?
A: What I think makes Auburn unique is how anywhere you go, people rave about Auburn and shout 'War Eagle'. Everyone knows it for having such a good reputation.
Q: What is your favorite horse movie and why?
A: My favorite horse movie is 'Spirit'. I religiously watched it when I was little.
Q: What is your biggest goal athletically while being at Auburn?
A: I want to win the ring, or maybe a few.
Q: What is your favorite Auburn tradition?
A: Rolling Toomer's Corner.
Q: Aside from athletics, what experience are you most excited for being in college?
A: The independence.
Q: What are you going to miss most about home?
A: At home, I live right on the property because my parents own a farm, so I have all of my horses at the farm. I probably miss that the most, but also just being at home.
Q: If you had to be stuck on an island with three of your teammates, who would they be and why?
A: Ellie Becker because she's so funny, so she would make some jokes out of it. Also Megan Knapic because she's very light-hearted and would make the best out of it. Last, Emma Kurtz because she could probably figure out how to get us out of the situation.
Q: What's your favorite aspect of equestrian?
A: My favorite aspect is being around the horses.
Q: How do you want to contribute to the team this year?
A: Being supportive and helping with winning another ring.
Q: What makes you unique from your teammates?
A: I do well under pressure which can be helpful, and I've shown a lot of what I can do before I got here. I think that brings a good aspect of the team.
Q: What began your love for equestrian?
A: My parents. I've grown up on a farm since I was born. I've been around horses since a very young age, so I've never really known anything else.
Q: If you could give a message to the Auburn Family, what would it be?
A: Make sure you come out and support us on our meet days!