Get To Know...Molly Frack

Get To Know...Molly FrackGet To Know...Molly Frack

Jami Proska, Auburn Media Relations
Molly Frack, a freshman on the Auburn gymnastics team, is a very driven athlete here on the Plains. She comes from Nazareth, Pa., where she trained and competed at Parkettes Gymnastics Training Center. Frack competed as an International Elite for three years, as well as, competing twice in the P&C Championships and Secret Classic. Frack is looking forward to her time here at Auburn and what the next three years have to come.
Q: What made you want to come to Auburn?
A: Well, I love the South and I have a former Parkettes teammate here (Meredith Sylvia) so, I was introduced by her. I just love the team, the coaches and their philosophy on teaching and how they run the team. It's really welcoming and I loved it right from the start.
Q: What's your major, and what made you want to pursue that major? 
A: I'm a pre-biomedical sciences major because I've always wanted to be a doctor. I think it's because of all the injuries I've had and being exposed to the medical field. I just find it so fascinating. I want to do that when I'm older so I can help other people.
Q: What's your favorite aspect about being a gymnast? 
A: I like how it's taught me time management and being independent. I think it helped us mature quicker and it taught us a lot of self-lessons.
Q: What do you consider to be your biggest gymnastics achievement so far? 
A: I competed at US Championships twice and I used to go to developmental camps in Texas.
Q: What do you do in your spare time other than gymnastics? 
A: First off, a lot of homework. I also love spending time with my family and friends, just hanging out.
Q: If you had to be stuck on an island with two other teammates who would they be and why? 
A: I love all of my teammates but it would have to be Mia Schlarbaum. We are always laughing together and I think we would have quite an interesting time together. The other would have to be Skyler Sheppard because she teaches me a lot here and I think she'd be very helpful to have on an island.
Q: Do you have a favorite event?
A: My favorite event is beam because I feel like I've always been really good at beam. I also really love floor though because I love tumbling and twisting.
Q: How did you get started doing gymnastics?
A: My brother actually. He watched the Olympics when we were younger and loved gymnastics and refused to listen to my parents say no he couldn't do that. So, he started and I sort of just followed him.
Q: What are your goals academically while being at Auburn?
A: I would like to have a 4.0 grade-point average and get into med school.