Get to know ... Tad Maclean

Get to know ... Tad MacleanGet to know ... Tad Maclean

Tad Maclean Q&A
By Zachary Pike
Where is your hometown?
Cornwall, England
Who is your favorite tennis player?
That's a tough one -- Kyle Edmund from Britain is my favorite right now. He's from England and his work ethic, serve and form are fun to watch. My favorite player of all time is Roger Federer.
How old were you when you started playing tennis?
I was seven when I started playing tennis properly and receiving lessons. Before that, I would play with my mom.
What would you say is your most effective tennis skill?
Probably my serve. I have a big serve and it's helped by my size.
What sport would you play other than tennis?
Soccer. I was playing goalkeeper and I had to choose between soccer and tennis. It's huge back home.
What are some team and individual goals for the season?
As a team, it's about competing together and helping one another. If we can stay together then we will get better individually as well.
Why did you choose Auburn?
I loved the staff and Bobby (Reynolds), the head coach. He's exceptional. The environment here, both on and off the court, is incredible. I love the guys on the team and just the culture around here.
What's your favorite part of campus life?
The Wellness Kitchen. As a team, we eat there often, and we are a very close team. We will come together as a team and sit down and talk. It's a great way to stay close.
How has it been balancing school and tennis?
The first semester was tough adjusting, compared to the schoolwork back home. Back home, it's one big test and here there is a test every month. The workload here is a lot in comparison to how much tennis we are playing.
What do you want to do after playing tennis?
I want to play professional tennis for sure. Afterwards, I'm not really sure what I want to do. Unless you are Top 10 in the world, you are going to have to work. I'm interested in the media aspect of the sport and that's why I chose communications as my major.
What class has intrigued you the most?
Anthropology; it's really interesting.
What does "Auburn Family" mean to you?
It means the tradition and the history and culture of Auburn. It's just a feeling and it's indescribable. From downtown to watching football games, it's completely different from back home.
Where is the most unusual place you've heard War Eagle?
I've heard it in England. I was in the airport flying back to here and I was in one of the shops. Someone just said it to me as they walked past. Someone also told me War Eagle in my hometown. It's crazy how widespread the culture is.