Get To Know...Lindsey Klein

Get To Know...Lindsey KleinGet To Know...Lindsey Klein

Lindsey Klein came to Auburn from sunny San Diego and instantly fell in love with the campus and the equestrian program. Now with a win and MOP under her belt, the freshman is ready to represent Auburn in any way she can and support those around her to be successful.

Q: What were some of the reasons you chose Auburn?
A: I knew that I wanted to go to school outside of California, and when I toured Auburn I fell in love. The equestrian team was definitely a huge part of why I love Auburn, but none of the other equestrian schools gave me the same feeling as Auburn.

Q: What does the Auburn Family mean to you?
A: The Auburn Family is the pride and joy that all Auburn students and fans bring to the school. I got to meet Auburn Elvis this semester and he really steps it up when showing his love for Auburn, and the equestrian team.

Q: What are some memorable moments for you at Auburn?
A; The most memorable moment for me so far has been being able to compete in the Ole Miss meet, as well as be MOP. The experience is something I will never forget.

Q: Who are some of the funniest teammates?
A: If you're looking for a funny TikTok, Mary (McDaniel) always has some videos saved to laugh at. Boo (Kammerer) is also always hilarious. She can make just about anyone laugh.

Q: What are some of the biggest differences transitioning from high school to Auburn?
A: My high school didn't have an equestrian team or program so it is very different being a student-athlete now at Auburn. I would say just getting into the routine of workouts and practice was the hardest adjustment. Academically, I have adjusted fairly easily and I think Auburn will be a good fit for my academics.

Q: What's your hometown and try to describe it
A: I am from San Diego and it is completely different from Auburn. When I think of home I think of the beach, the weather (warm, sunny, no rain), and the traffic.

Q: What does it mean to compete in equestrian for Auburn University?
A: It means representing a team that has come so far in collegiate athletics. Even if you aren't competing, you're still apart of the team that has built the foundation for equestrian.

Q: What are your individual and team goals this season and beyond?
A: My individual goals include supporting my teammates as much as I can, as well as be the most helpful I can be on meet days. In terms of team goals, it would be incredible to go undefeated again and be able to feel what that feels like.

Q: What are your hobbies outside of competing/practicing and school?
A: I would say I don't really have time for hobbies. Outside of school and practicing, I am studying or hanging out with friends.

Q: What is your major and do you have any plans set for what you want to do after graduation?
A: I plan to major in Finance, but I don't have any plans for after graduation yet.

Q: What's your favorite part of Auburn's campus?
A: I love that Auburn feels like a small school, even though it isn't. You can get just about anywhere on campus in 15 minutes or less.

Q: Where is the weirdest place you've heard War Eagle?
A: I wouldn't consider the airport to be a weird place, but I hear it so many times walking through the Atlanta airport.

Q: Describe riding for Greg Williams...
A: Riding for Greg Williams is honestly so exciting, and makes you want to continue to get better as a rider and as a person.

Q: If you were stranded on an island, what five items would you bring (no cellphone)?
A: I would bring sunscreen, snacks, water, a tent, and games.

Q: What three people would you bring if you were stranded on an island?
A: I would bring two of my friends from home, Kate and Avery, and Kayla (Shelnutt) from Auburn.

Q: What's your favorite movies and television shows?
A: My all-time favorite move is Captain Phillips, and my favorite TV show is The Office.

Q: What's the best advice you've ever received and who gave you that advice?
A: The best advice I ever received was about being true to who you are and not changing for other people, and it was from my best friend from at home.