Get To Know... KK Dismukes

Get To Know... KK DismukesGet To Know... KK Dismukes

As the offseason rolls along, we'd like to introduce the newcomers for the upcoming 2020 softball season. With first pitch set for Feb. 7 in Clearwater, Fla., at the NFCA Leadoff Classic, we'll check in with all 13 new additions to the squad.  

KK Dismukes, a freshman pitcher and a native of Holtville, Ala., is on deck. 

Q: What made you want to come to Auburn?
Dismukes: Coming to Auburn was a pretty easy decision for me. While Auburn University is only one hour from home, I feel as if I never left when I'm in Auburn. The coaching staff, beautiful campus and all of the kind and supportive people who make Auburn softball happen make me feel as if this was where I was meant to be.

Q: What is your biggest goal academically while being here?
Dismukes: My biggest academic goal is to have a 3.5 or higher GPA in my major.

Q: What is your biggest goal athletically while being here?
Dismukes: My biggest goal athletically is to learn and grow to be the best I can possibly be and just see where my hard work takes me.

Q: If you could hire any actress to play you in a movie about your life, who would you want it to be?
Dismukes: Blake Lively. No question. I think that the reason why is pretty obvious… it's Blake Lively.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a pitcher?
Dismukes: My favorite part of being a pitcher is that I can control the game. Knowing that my every move can affect the people around me pushes me to be the best version of myself for my teammates. I love having a field of people to hold me accountable.

Q: What was it like being named Alabama Gatorade Player of the Year?
Dismukes: The morning I woke up and found out that I was named Alabama Gatorade Player of the Year, I was genuinely proud of myself. Getting to the point that I am at now has taken a ton of hard work and dedication.

Q: What is a hidden talent you have?
Dismukes: I like to think that I can draw pretty well.

Q: If you had to be stuck on an island with three of your teammates, who would you want them to be?
Dismukes: Maia Engelkes, because she's super smart. Lindsey Garcia, because she is feisty enough to fight off any predators. Maddie Majors, because we would need someone to keep us all sane.

Q: What is your dream job?
Dismukes: A cybersecurity analyst.

Q: Who is your biggest fan?
Dismukes: I can not choose one person. I am lucky to have a huge support system which consists of my parents, grandparents, brother and so many other members of my family and my friends. Having such a big support system has allowed me to grow and better myself as a player and as a person.

Q: If you could give a message to the Auburn family, what would it be?
Dismukes: To the Auburn family - thank you for all of your love and support that you give our program. We cannot wait to see and hear from you this season. We rely greatly on our fan base, and we can not thank you enough.