Freshman Cassie Stevens had already accomplished a lot as a gymnast before coming to the Plains. She had a handful of 10s on vault under belt and even had a skill on beam named after her. However, the Phoenix native, is ready to add more to her list with the Tigers and to help this team get to bigger and better places.
With two meets under her belt, Stevens has competed in the all-around once and has contributed to the overall team score on multiple occasions.
Q: When going through the recruiting process, what made Auburn stand out?
A: It just felt like home. The coaches, the girls on the team and even the people you don't know—everyone is so friendly. I just love the campus. It's the perfect size. It's not too big, not too small.
Q: What's the biggest difference between Arizona and Alabama?
A: The humidity. They're both hot, but it's definitely very humid here. You just sweat a lot more here. Which takes some getting used to, especially since I came here for summer school, but it's not as bad anymore.
Q: How would you describe your hometown to someone who hasn't been there?
A: Phoenix is a really big city, but I feel like everyone knows each other in some way. The high schools are spread out, but they also feel very connected.
Q: What's your earliest memory with gymnastics?
A: My earliest memory would probably be at my old club gym they would do like Mini-Olympics. It would be the little girls competing for fake judges and you would get awards. I just remember competing at the Mini-Olympics and getting trophies.
Q: What's your favorite early memory with gymnastics?
A: My favorite memory was when I got my skill named after me at nationals. It was my first nationals and it was my last event. You have to make the skill to get it named after you. I made the skill, finished my routine and stuck my dismount. It was just really cool.
Q: What makes gymnastics unique from other sports?
A: There's always something new to learn. I feel that with other sports you score a goal or make a basket and you just do that over and over again. With gymnastics, you never master anything because there is always something new you can learn.
Q: What's your go-to, pre-meet music?
A: I like hype music. I have a playlist, but I don't always use it. I like the super inspirational, hype songs where I get really into it and I'm like "yeah, I can do this!". They just motivate me and make me realize who I'm doing it for and stuff like that.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be and why?
A: I'm not a big celebrity person, but honestly just for my childhood-self, I would say Harry Styles. That was my childhood obsession. I hate to admit it, but I had all the posters and everything. So yeah, I would have to go with him.
Q: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received and who gave it to you?
A: That one is hard. I don't know who told me this, but just in general, to never compare myself to anyone. You're your own person. You do things at your own pace, your own way, so just never comparing myself to anyone. In anything. How you look, act or anything like that.
Q: What's your favorite Auburn tradition?
A: Rolling Toomer's after we win is really cool because it's unique. You usually think of that as a prank, but it's a tradition here. It means a lot.
Q: If you had to be stuck on an island with three of your teammates, who would you want them to be and why?
A: I would have to say Aria [Brusch] because I feel like she knows a lot. She's very knowledgeable—she's going to get us off the island. Also Drew [Watson] because she'll make it entertaining. No matter how long we're stuck on the island, you'll be entertained. Then [Emma] Slappey because she has it all together and she's always prepared. She has anything—if you need it, you go to Slappey.
Q: What is your dream job?
A: My major is computer science. I don't know what my dream job would be. I would just want to work for a company where I can improve, grow as a person and learn.
Q: What's your biggest goal athletically while being at Auburn?
A: Just to contribute and make an impact to the team. Help improve the team, so that we can get to bigger and better places as a team. Also so we can place higher and all that.
Q: What is your favorite event and why?
A: I actually really like vault. The feeling of sticking it. I've actually scored a 10 a few times on vault with club.
Q: Explain the beam skill that was named after you.
A: I've always explained it as a front aerial to my knee. That's how I learned it at first, but then I added the swing-through. It's a swing-through, front aerial and then I land on one knee in a kneeling position.