Today marks our second installment of "Q&A Friday," a weekly feature with the Auburn women's basketball team. Our featured player today - rising sophomore Annie Hughes!
What is your favorite thing about Auburn?
My favorite thing about Auburn is the sense of community and togetherness.
What are your goals for the upcoming season?
I'm ready to fully step into the role of being the hustle player. I want to lead the SEC in charges (drawn). I want every loose ball. I want to get stops.
What advice would you give to any young athletes wanting to play college basketball?
Playing college basketball has been one of the hardest, yet most rewarding, experiences of my life. If you want to compete at a high level, be prepared to work harder than you ever have before.
What is one of the biggest challenges of being a college athlete, and what do you do to overcome this challenge?
One of the biggest challenges to me was being busy ALL of the time. I have had to pick up on time management skills such as how to plan and schedule for my week ahead. And I was sure to be where my feet were. If we're in the gym, I was focused on basketball. If I were in the classroom, I was focused on school, and so on.
Having just finished your freshman season, what is one thing you learned that you think will help you moving forward in your basketball career?
I've learned to have confidence in myself no matter my circumstances.