Q&A Friday: Riley Donahue

Q&A Friday: Riley DonahueQ&A Friday: Riley Donahue
Shanna Lockwood/AU Athletics

Our Auburn women's basketball Q&A Friday series is back! Leading up to the start of the season, we'll get to know our eight newcomers for 2020-21. First up - freshman walk-on Riley Donahue, who comes to The Plains from just up the road in Atlanta.

Why did you choose Auburn?

I have been an Auburn fan my entire life, both of my parents went here, and my dad actually swam here at Auburn and my mom was in a sorority (Chi Omega). Being an Auburn fan my whole life, when I got the opportunity to come play here, it was already one of my top choices so it was an easy decision.

Can you talk about the decision to walk-on to the team?

I got into the recruiting process really late. I have always known I wanted to play Division 1 basketball if I could, and I know I could because I have the heart for it. I am a huge person and heart over hype. I would rather earn something than be given it so when I was given the opportunity to potentially earn a scholarship, I was all for it.

What was it about Coach Flo and her staff and program that appealed to you?

They were so welcoming, and they were reaching out when I was reaching out to them asking general questions when I was looking at the school. They were all very nice and answered them as well as they could, and they stuck to their word. It was the family environment that I was looking for.

How do you see yourself impacting this team? What do you see your role being?

I am a loud person, so I am going to bring the energy, on and off the court. I shoot the ball really well so my role will probably be to shoot from the perimeter and help open up the inside since I know we have a bunch of drivers and have Unique (Thompson) in the paint. She is a pretty big presence in there, and you need someone who is going to help open up the paint for her as well to get her double-doubles and triple-doubles every game. I also want to be a major impact on defense. My ultimate goal is to have as many assists as I do blocks and steals.

What are you looking forward to most about your Auburn experience?

I have always been an independent person, so college in general was something I was looking forward to, entering the adult world. Obviously, it is a little scary, but I was super excited about that. On the basketball side, I have known I wanted to play college basketball so to be able to do that now is super exciting and motivating to keep me going every day, and it is something I have been looking forward to.

Being an Auburn fan growing up and hearing about the Auburn family, what is it like now, actually being a part of the Auburn family?

It is so surreal. It has just been so awesome; I just feel so a part of the Auburn community. It is always different when you are a fan and when you are a student and now, I actually feel it.

How did you get started playing basketball? How long have you been playing basketball?

Technically, I signed up for a team in third grade, but I picked up a ball for the first time in kindergarten.

What sport would you play if you were not playing basketball? Why?

It would definitely have to be a faster-paced sport, and I am good at catching and throwing, so maybe softball. I did one year of jumping, triple jump in track in high school, which was fun, so maybe track.

Is there a player or athlete that you look up to?

On the team, Annie Hughes. She is one of the first people I really connected with here on the team. She has always been super nice, welcoming and willing to help me and the other freshmen out. She is a role model. She is always willing to go the extra mile in all of her practices and games, and I really look up to her.  

What was the best piece of advice you were given? And by whom?

I was talking to Kiyae' White one day, and I was talking about if I play or if I get in and, she was like, "You have to stop saying if and if and if. If you work hard and dedicate yourself to this, you will be able to get in the game, you will be able to do this or do that." The biggest thing I got from her was no matter what anyone says, ESPN, teammates, etc., always work your hardest no matter what. I have always stuck by tha,t but to hear an upperclassman say that to me and believe in me, that meant a lot.

Do you have any pregame rituals?

In high school, I always tried to shoot around to music. I love hip-hop music. I love to dance and listen to music, so I would just pump myself up before games, listen to music, and shoot around.

What are some of your favorite movies or TV shows?

My favorite TV shows are Grey's Anatomy, Friends, and The Office. I love comedy movies, but I am also really into Disney movies. Favorite Disney movie is probably Hercules.

Do you have a hidden talent?

I can play the piano and drums.

What is your biggest goal ahead of this year? For yourself and for the team?

I definitely want to help the team, and I know the team wants to do this too, just flip around from last year's team and become a whole different team. Basically, we are all "team over me," no one is being selfish with the ball, everyone is helping with assists. My goal is definitely to be one of the energy bringers on the team and be one of the best free throw shooters as well as get a higher 3-point percentage. Team goal wise, we want to win the SEC Championship and get to March Madness and go as far as well. Even though it is a whole new team, we have jelled so quickly, it is really incredible.
If you could sit down and have dinner with any Auburn Legend who would it be and why?

Of course, you have to go with Bo [Jackson] and Charles [Barkley], but honestly, I would sit down with Vickie Orr. She was a really influential person in women's basketball and was a star at Auburn. I would ask her what made you decide to get into basketball and about the Auburn Family. I would probably be star struck to sit down with Charles Barkley.