Q&A Friday: Aicha Coulibaly

Q&A Friday: Aicha CoulibalyQ&A Friday: Aicha Coulibaly
Shanna Lockwood/AU Athletics

It's time for another Q&A Friday with Auburn women's basketball! In our third installment of getting to know our newcomers, we check in with freshman Aicha Coulibaly. Aicha is a native of Mali; she is the third all-time Auburn women's basketball player from Africa. She played high school basketball at IMG Academy in Florida.

What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie would have to be "Visage." I enjoy a movie that has a lot of different options in it such as comedy, horror, and drama.

What is your favorite food?

I don't have a favorite, but I like quesadillas and chicken wings.

What is something you did during quarantine to stay busy?

I kept up with my schoolwork and played basketball with my friends. It was hard finding things to do because so much was shut down. My friends and I made the best out of it!

What are you planning to major in?

I am currently undecided, but I am considering business.

Why did you choose to come to Auburn University?

I actually was never able to visit Auburn (during the recruiting process), but I was always in touch with the coaches and staff. I immediately felt a connection with Auburn after getting to know more about the school.

What was the recruiting process like this year?

It was definitely weird because everything was over the phone, but everything went smoothly.

Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

No, I just listen to music to get my mind right.

How old were you when you started playing basketball?

I was 11 or 12 years old.

What sport would you play if you weren't playing basketball?

I would probably play volleyball because I am tall.

What is the biggest basketball highlight of your career?

When I played for Mali's national team at the FIBA U16 African Championships in 2017. We won the championship, and I was named tournament MVP. I was only 14, but I felt like a huge leader on that team. It was such an amazing feeling and unforgettable experience.

Is there a player in the WNBA or NBA who acts like a role model for you?

To be honest, I don't watch much basketball. I keep up with the NBA Finals, but overall, I just like playing basketball. If I had to choose someone, I admire players who can play all positions low and high.

What was it about Coach Flo, her staff and her style of basketball that was appealing to you?

I love the way there is always movement throughout offense and defense. Coach Flo has also helped me to like offense more than I used to because I am such a defensive player.

Do you have any advice you would give to girls dreaming of playing college basketball one day?

I would tell them to be true to themselves and work hard. Never give up and your dream will always come. I would also tell them to take their time making such important decisions in life such as where you attend college because those decisions matter the most.

What would be your ultimate achievement in basketball this year?

I want to be seen as a freshman. Many people tell you freshman year is tough because of all the transitions, but I want to stand out. I am coming off an injury, so I know it will be tough, but I am getting to where I want to be.

What do you enjoy most about playing basketball?

I enjoy scoring, shooting three pointers, and the excitement when my team wins.

What drives you to get up in the morning and go training every day?

I am very far away from my family in Africa, so I do it for them back home. There's a reason why I'm here in Auburn, and I want to take the opportunities I am being given and be the best I can.