Get To Know...Gabby McLaughlin


It's time to meet the Auburn gymnastics freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers. Today we get to know Gabby McLaughlin!
Hometown: Irving, Texas
Club: Texas Dreams
Prior to Auburn: Three-time Junior Olympic Qualifier (2017, 2018, 2019) … 2016 Nastia Liukin Cup Qualifier … Finished seventh on the floor at the 2018 JO Championship … Region 3 Floor Champion in 2017.
Q: What made you choose Auburn?
A: I really loved the family atmosphere that is uniquely Auburn.
Q: What has it been like adapting to the new reality of moving away from home while also dealing with the uncertainties that comes with COVID?
A: I had to quickly adjust to a new environment and new ways of learning online. I haven't been able to make many friends outside of the gym because of COVID, but I have gotten closer with my team.
Q: What is the most exciting moment you have experienced in my gymnastics career so far?
A: Just being able to do gymnastics for a college team is exciting.
Q: Besides gymnastics what sports do you enjoy playing or watching?
A: I enjoy snowboarding during the winter and surfing in the summer.
Q: What's your favorite animal and why?
A: A tiger or a cheetah. I love their markings because it makes them unique.
Q: Who is your favorite athlete and why?
A: Kyla Ross is my favorite because I grew up with her in the gym and she is a very big inspiration to me.
Q: What color do you like wearing better ? Blue or orange?
A: Blue
Q: What excites you the most about your next four years at Auburn?
A: Having the opportunity to compete for such an amazing school.
Q: What makes being a part of a team special to you?
A: The support I get from my teammates and coaches is one of the best things about being a part of this team.
Q: What is a quote that motivates you?
A: There's no success without struggle
Q: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
A: In California doing videography.
Q: Sweet or salty food?
A: Depends on my mood, but I usually like to eat salty food during the day and sweets at night.