Get To Know...Grace Pearson

Get To Know...Grace PearsonGet To Know...Grace Pearson

Grace Pearson

It's time to meet the Auburn equestrian freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers. Our last one of the week is Grace Pearson!
Hometown: Seattle, Wash.
Major: Animal Science
Prior to Auburn: Finished second in the Aria Adult Medal Finals and was champion in Adult Equitation at the 2020 Capital Challenge Horse Show … 2020 NHS THIS Adult Medal winner at the KHJA Summer Horse Show … First place at the 2018 ASPCA Maclay Region 7 Finals … First place finish at the 2019 USHJA Zone 9 Equitation Championship … 2019 R.W. Mutch Equitation Championship – fourth place … Finished seventh at the 2017 USHJA Jumping Seat Medal Finals East.
Q: Why did you chose Auburn?
A: I chose Auburn because of the strong sense of community that I felt when I first came to campus. Auburn has made me feel like I truly belong here as a family and that is most important to me. Coming from Seattle, I am a long way from home. Auburn has quickly made me feel like I am at home away from home. 
How long have you been riding and what was the name of your first pony?
I started taking riding lessons when I was five years old so a total of 14 years. My first pony's name was a Tuscany. He was a palomino pony that took me to my first official horse show!
You came all the way to the South from Seattle. What have been some of the biggest differences between Seattle and Auburn?
It is a long way from Seattle to Auburn. I would say that some of the biggest differences are the weather, atmosphere, and people.

  1. Everyone always asks me if it is true that it rains in Seattle more than it is sunny, and the honest answer is yes. It can be rainy and cold out on the West Coast, but it is never humid. Here in Auburn, it's a little bit different. From what I have experienced, it is warmer, sunnier, and more humid. 
  2. The humidity might be my least favorite part! As for the atmosphere, I live in the downtown part of the city of Seattle, so things can be very busy and loud. In Auburn, I feel like things are much more relaxed. I love being a part of this college campus since it's a nice change of pace. 
  3. Every person that I have met here in Auburn has treated me like family. I truly feel like I could walk up to a random stranger and start a conversation with them. That isn't so much the case in Seattle since the city is very work-oriented and isn't so much a college city. 

What do you prefer…hot or cold weather? Why?
I like a mix of hot and cold weather. I don't like being too hot, but I also don't like being too cold. My ideal temperature would be 80 degrees with a slight breeze. If I had to pick though, I would rather the temperature be more hot than cold. 
What is the best vacation you've ever been on and what made it so awesome?
The best vacation I've ever been on was a trip to St. Lucia in the Caribbean in 2015 with my parents and sister. It was awesome because before we flew there, we were in London, which is where I was born. I got to see all my friends and family, and then when we got to St. Lucia, I was able to spend the whole trip on the beach drinking tropical smoothies and getting tan. 
What is your favorite dessert and why?
My favorite dessert would have to be a butter cake from the restaurant California Pizza Kitchen. I have a huge sweet tooth, so I honestly love all desserts. 
If you're stranded on a deserted island, what three teammates do you bring with and why?
If I was stranded on a deserted island, the three teammates I would take with me are Olivia Marino, Isabella Tesmer, and Gracie Sullivan. I say them because they are the first three teammates that I got to know very well last semester when I came in late. More specifically for each, I would bring Olivia because she is my roommate this year and she would help me with anything I needed to do. I would bring Gracie because she could lighten any mood that we were in, and lastly, I would bring Isabella because she never fails to make me laugh. If I had the option though, I would absolutely bring the whole AUET!
What is your favorite Auburn tradition?
My favorite Auburn tradition is rolling Toomer's! I've only had one chance to participate one time, but I am looking forward to being able to celebrate more in the future! 
What is your major and what do you plan on doing with it?
My major is Equine Science and I plan on using it to help me further my career in the Equestrian world as a horse trainer and professional rider! Eventually, I would love to have my own barn and business with clients. Even though that is my plan, becoming a vet does sound very intriguing so plans might change!
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
My favorite thing to do in my free time is either to go to SoulCycle, which is an indoor fitness cycling class or just to simply spend time with my family and friends. Since COVID, I have been spending a lot of time on FaceTime, or if I can, in person, with my friends which I've started to really love to do! 
How would your friends and family describe you in three words?
I think that they would use the words competitive, brave, and caring with the biggest emphasis on competitiveness!
What is your favorite holiday and why?
My favorite holiday would have to be Christmas because I love giving gifts to family and friends. It's also a time that I get to let people know how thankful I am for them and how much I love them which is something I don't feel like I do enough!
Favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot on campus so far would have to be my dorm, South Donahue, because I love being able to stop by my teammate's rooms and spend time with them while still being close to home. I've learned to really lean on my friends during the tough times that we are in so being in such proximity to them is my favorite part. 

What are some of your goals athletically while at Auburn?
Some of my athletic goals are to perform my best on the team, become a team leader, and enjoy my time with the team because my freshman year has flown by so far. Not to mention to hopefully win some rings with the best team out there!
What are some of your goals academically while at Auburn?
Some of my academic goals while here at Auburn are to excel in my classes, graduate on time, and enjoy my work. Recently I have been very interested in all my classes so I would love to continue to find interests and do well. Staying on top of my work is also a big one so I don't cause myself to stress out! I feel so lucky though because we have so many resources to help us succeed here at Auburn. I'm so excited for the future.