On the blocks with Mykenzie Leehy

Shanna Lockwood/AU Athletics

AUBURN, Ala. – The 2021-22 season is underway for Auburn swim and dive, and there are some new faces in the pool competing for the Tigers. Throughout the year, we will be introducing each of the newcomers with a Q&A.

First up in the series is Mykenzie Leehy, a graduate transfer from the University of Houston where she made the 100 freestyle finals at the NCAA Championships last year. 

Q: Why did you choose to continue your career at Auburn?

Leehy: I believe in Auburn. I believe in what Coach Ryan (Wochomurka) and what this Auburn team wants to accomplish going forward. I wanted to be a part of that and now I am. I am so excited to be here and be a part of this rising team. 
Q: Going from Iowa to Texas and now to Alabama, how have you adjusted to all the new places?

Leehy: I have learned so much and met so many new people. Moving around so much I have leaned on my family, teammates, and coaches to help me get through adjusting. It hasn't been easy, but I would not change any of this because I am living out my dream of being a student-athlete at a high level. Through this entire journey, I am so grateful to be able to represent Auburn in my last year of being a student-athlete. 
Q: What degree did you graduate with and what do you plan to do with that degree?

Leehy: My undergraduate degree is in Sports Administration. I hope to one day be a collegiate swim coach and share my passion with other student-athletes. 
Q: What was it like swimming at this year's U.S. Olympic Trials?

Leehy: Olympic Trials was a dream come true. I always imagined swimming there when I was younger and the last couple of trials have been in Omaha which is only 10 minutes from my house. I grew up going to watch Trials, so it was just so amazing to be there and to be in that atmosphere as an athlete this time. All my family and friends were also able to be there, which meant so much to me. Swimming-wise, I left that meet hungry for more and to continue to compete at that level. 
Q: What are you most looking forward to experiencing as a student-athlete at Auburn?

Leehy: I cannot wait to swim in my first meet and represent Auburn. Beyond that, learning the amazing culture and becoming a true Auburn woman throughout my experience here. 
Q: What is your favorite swimming event?

Leehy: I love to swim the 100 freestyle because it isn't too short yet not too long (for me). I love racing this event and feel the most competitive in this event. 
Q: Do you have a favorite or lucky swim cap?

Leehy: Whatever cap I wear in my first meet of the season, I will wear that for the rest of the season for meets. I do not wear it to practice, just meets. I really could not tell you why, but that is what I do.
Q: If you could switch places with any of your coaches, who would it be?

Leehy: I would probably switch places with Coach Vlad (Polyakov) because he always has so much energy (ALL THE TIME). From morning practice to afternoon practice, he is bouncing off the walls and always bringing the energy. 
Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete?

Leehy: I have two… Tom Brady is a great football player but also a great leader. No matter what team he is on, he is a constant leader and that is something I look for in other athletes. Also, Katie Ledecky is someone that goes after every race she competes in, and I enjoy watching her. 
Q: What kind of dog would you be?

Leehy: I would be a blonde golden doodle. I have curly hair, shy at times, and have high energy when it is most needed.  
Q: Aside from swimming and diving, what are your favorite sports to watch?

Leehy: I love college football, basketball, baseball, and volleyball. I live really close to Omaha so when it comes time for the College World Series for baseball, I am always going to watch. 
Q: What are your proudest moments from your swim career?

Leehy: Being able to compete at NCAAs and scoring this last year is one of my favorite and proudest moments. I remember getting out of the pool after my 100 freestyle prelims swim with three more heats to go after me. I swam my best time and just wanted to get into finals so bad. I was standing next to Coach Ryan (Wochomurka) and Coach Abbie (Houck) and watched the next three heats go and made the 16th seed going into finals. That moment was awesome, and I still remember how excited my coaches were for me.
Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Leehy: If I had to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, I would choose pizza. I love pizza and you can make so many different kinds. I don't think I could ever really get tired of it. 
Q: Who are your biggest supporters? 

Leehy: My family is my biggest supporters. They are there for me during my lowest of lows and my highest of highs and everything in between. I have the best parents that have done everything plus more for me and three amazing sisters that I can also call my best friends. I am more than just "swimming" to them, and they always show how proud they are of me. 
Q: How do you plan on making an impact on the Auburn S&D program this year?

Leehy: In the pool, I want to help the team succeed and have an impact in relays. On top of that, I want to be the best teammate I can be in and out of the pool. My team is so important to me and that is where my focus is which will translate in a high level in the pool. 
Q: What is your message to the Auburn Family regarding the upcoming season?

Leehy: I am so excited and honored to represent Auburn this season with my amazing teammates. We believe in work, hard work and we have been working so hard. We are ready to show everyone what we are all about and hope to see y'all at our home meets. War Eagle!