Get To Know...Ananda Brown

Get To Know...Ananda BrownGet To Know...Ananda Brown

It's time to meet the 2022 Auburn gymnastics freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers. Get to know Ananda Brown!  
Hometown: Sugar Hill, GA
Prior to Auburn: Very successful on vault and floor … Multiple first-place finishes on vault, including a 2019 Region 8 title … 2019 Georgia State Champion on vault … Multiple first-place finishes on floor … 2019 Winter Classic floor champion … 2018 Region 8 floor champion … Won the all-around at the 2019 Winter Classic … Had success at the 2019 Gymnastix Wintersquad, winning vault, bars and the all-around.
Q: What is your favorite Auburn tradition?
"I love rolling Toomer's corner. I think its super fun and something completely unique to Auburn."
Q: What is your pre-meet routine?
"I like to shake out my nerves and move my body around before my event. Sometimes people will even catch me doing that and they think it's silly."
Q: Tell me something about yourself that not a lot of people know.
"I have a black kitty named Benjamin and he's really sweet."
Q: How old were you when you started gymnastics? Do you remember a favorite coach or mentor?
"I was six when I started gymnastics and my favorite coach of all time was Mackenzie. She was my compulsory coach and she really just helped me understand that I was really good at this sport and could be great."
Q: What is your relationship with your teammates like? With the coaches and staff?
"I love my teammates and I'm really looking forward to this season. I like to treat the coaches like they're my parents. They have helped me learn a lot about life in the short time I've been here and I'm really thankful for them."
Q: If you could travel anywhere for 24 hours where would you go, and why?
"I would go to South Korea. My mom was stationed there when she was in the military, and she says it's really pretty there. I want to experience the culture because I've heard that it's really unique and special."
Q: Name one thing that you're excited about for this upcoming season.
"I'm excited to do well with my team. We have gone through a lot together already and it will just be even better to win together. I'm really looking forward to it!"