Get To Know...Sophia Groth

Get To Know...Sophia GrothGet To Know...Sophia Groth

It's time to meet the 2022 Auburn gymnastics freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers. Get to know Sophia Groth!  
Hometown: West Des Moines, Iowa
Prior to Auburn: Six-time JO National Championship qualifier … Finished second on floor and third on bars at the 2018 JO National meet … 2017 Nastia Liukin Cup qualifier … Captured the all-around title at the 2016 Hopes Championship … JO National Champion on beam.
Q: What's your favorite Auburn tradition?
"I love rolling Toomer's because it's unique to Auburn, and it's really fun to get together with my friends and see the trees when they're covered in white."
Q: What's your pre-meet routine?
"I always have a bagel on meet days, and I put glitter in my hair. I've been doing it ever since I was a Level 4."
Q: What is your favorite event to compete in, and why?
"I love competing beam because it's super challenging and it feels the most rewarding when the crowd supports me."
Q: If you could travel anywhere for 24 hours where would you go, and why?
"I would travel to Germany because my mom lived there and she has told me a lot of cool stories about being there."
Q: What does, "War Eagle", mean to you?
The phrase 'War Eagle' is our battle cry, and I think it's something that connects us to people that we might not know. You can say it to someone else and there's an instant connection between Auburn fans."
Q: What is your relationship with your teammates like? With the coaches and staff?
"Our whole team is just a big family. I think we all like to support and love on each other. The support that I've received from our coaches is nothing like I've ever had before, and I really enjoy being a part of this team."
Q: How old were you when you started gymnastics? Do you remember a favorite coach or mentor?
"I was five and a half when I started gymnastics. I had a coach in Virginia named Marina and she helped me fall in love with beam. I also had a coach named Rebecca in Iowa and she also continued that love of mine."
Q: What's your favorite study spot on campus?
"You can't go wrong with SADC (Student- Athlete Development Center). It's really fun, especially at night, because everyone is there and kind of delusional which makes it a good time."