Get To Know...Sara Hubbard

Get To Know...Sara HubbardGet To Know...Sara Hubbard

It's time to meet the 2022 Auburn gymnastics freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers. Get to know Sara Hubbard!
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Prior to Auburn: Scored a 10.0 on vault at the 2020 Fiesta Bowl … Multiple first-place finishes on vault and floor throughout her career … 2018 state champion on beam and runner-up on floor … 2018 vault and floor winner at Classic Rock … Region 1 beam champion and vault state champion in 2016.
Q: What is your favorite event to compete in and why?
"My favorite event to compete in is floor because I think it is a lot of fun to dance, especially with the crowd cheering me on."
Q: What are you most looking forward to this season?
"I am looking forward to competing with the team again because in club gymnastics you are competing individually. The team environment of college gymnastics is really fun."
Q: What is your pre-meet routine? Are you superstitious?
"I always have to get ready at least two hours before every meet."
Q: Where is your favorite spot to study on campus?
"I like to sit outside at the tables next to the dorms. It is relaxing to sit outside, especially when it's nice out."
Q: How would your friends and family describe you in three words?
"Spunky, random, and smart."
Q: What is your relationship with your teammates like? With the coaches and staff?
"My teammates are like my sisters, and we all get along really well. We have a good dynamic. My relationship with our coaches is great too. We can be friends when we're not in practice, and when we are practicing, they give constructive feedback."
Q: What are your goals for this season?
"My goal for the team is to compete in the Final Four, and my goal for myself is to go out there and have fun every meet."
Q: If you could travel anywhere for 24 hours where would you go, and why?
"Switzerland! I would go there every day if I could."