Catching Up with Helen Ulrich

Catching Up with Helen UlrichCatching Up with Helen Ulrich

Senior Day for the 2021-22 Auburn equestrian team is set for Feb. 26 vs. Texas A&M and it's time to catch up with those spending their last season on the Plains.
Helen Ulrich returned for her fifth year this season and has been an integral part of Auburn's success on Flat. The Mooresville, North Carolina product is 7-1-0 in the event, winning the last two MOPs for the squad.
Q: How is this season different knowing it's your last year on the Plains? 
"This season is almost surreal to think that I will finally be done. Five years goes by fast, but four years goes by even faster, so I am grateful to have had this extra year to finish what we started. Though I don't know if I will ever be ready to leave, luckily, I will still get to be in Auburn to cheer the girls on next year!" 
Q: How has your experience prepared you for life beyond college? 
"Being a student-athlete has prepared me to be successful in so many ways. Balancing the team, social activities, and a full course load is not easy, but it taught me a lot and I developed incredible time management skills. I also learned a lot about leadership as I have had two years to be a senior and lead the team. I hope I did a decent job at that."
Q: What would you like to say to the fans and the rest of the Auburn Family? 
"To the Auburn Family, I want to say thank you for making Auburn feel like home from the moment I stepped on campus. The support from Auburn people is unmatched. There are few places I've been wearing Auburn gear where I haven't gotten a friendly 'War Eagle!'"  

Q: Looking back on all the big moments you've been a part of what is one that really stands out? 
"I would say the moment that stood out to me the most was at Ogletree Elementary my sophomore year after winning the national championship. A couple of the girls and I volunteered at the school quite often and they invited us there after we won. They had all the students line up with shakers, cheering for us, with a cake at the end. To see how much it meant to them for us to volunteer as much as we did was incredible."
Q: If you had one piece of advice to give your younger self, what would it be? 
"The best piece of advice I would give to my younger self would be to keep working hard even if you think no one is watching. Your hard work does not go unnoticed, and you never know what little kid might be watching and wanting to grow up to be just like you one day."
Q: What is your major and what is the next step for you after Auburn? 
"I graduated with a degree in journalism for undergrad. I recently started graduate school in communications so I will be working on finishing my degree next year."

Q: Going into the rest of the season, what is one thing you're looking forward to? 
"I am most looking forward to the post season. The energy is just different on the team, everyone tends to take it up a level. I'm excited for one last ride with my girls."
Q: Who is/was your favorite horse at Auburn and why? 
"Swag has my heart!! He is perfect and so rotten. I'm lucky to have had him as a friendly face to get me through the bad days over the last five years."

Q: What is your favorite Auburn tradition and why? 
"My favorite Auburn tradition is rolling Toomer's Corner. I have been at Auburn for multiple national championships, a trip to the super regional, a Final Four run, and a couple Iron Bowl wins. Seeing the trees covered in toilet paper will never get old."   

Q: Best Greg Williams quote? 
"My favorite quote from Coach is after meets when he says to us "you are your…" followed by 40 responses saying, "sisters' keeper." I feel like this represents our team well because being on a team with 40 girls is not easy, but at the end of the day we always have each other's backs."