Catching Up with Jessica West

Catching Up with Jessica WestCatching Up with Jessica West

Senior Day for the 2021-22 Auburn equestrian team is set for Feb. 26 vs. Texas A&M and it's time to catch up with those spending their last season on the Plains.
Jessica West came to the Plains from Mooresville, North Carolina and has been a key member of the Jumping Seat squad. Providing depth and support, she's competed a handful of times in Fences and recently scored a career high for the squad, besting her Ole Miss opponent with an 84. The SEC Academic Honor Roll member will graduate from Auburn with a degree in psychology.
Q: How is this season different knowing it's your last year on the Plains?
"This season doesn't feel too different yet, however I do get a little sad when I think about not being in Auburn next year with all of my amazing teammates. I'm just trying to live in the present and enjoy every moment I have left with my team and put in everything I have to finishing out this season strong."
Q: How has your experience prepared you for life beyond college?
"My experiences with Auburn equestrian have shaped me into a much more confident person than I was coming into Auburn. It's taught me great leadership skills and how to handle situations with all different types of people. This will all be super applicable in life no matter what direction I choose to go."
Q: What would you like to say to the fans and the rest of the Auburn Family?
"Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing community. From the second I stepped foot on campus, I felt at home. Auburn was the only school I looked at when deciding where I wanted to go to college. There were no other options for me, and you all welcomed me with open arms. Thank you all so much for your continued support of our team. We couldn't do any of this without you. War Eagle!"
Q: Looking back on all the big moments you've been a part of, what is one that really stands out?
"One of the moments that comes to mind is our 2021 SEC Championship last year. We had already won enough points to win the championship right before they called for a storm delay. While we were waiting, the whole team sat on the bus, yelling out all the Auburn cheers and just enjoying ourselves. When the storm passed, we continued with the meet. Even though we had technically already won and didn't need to win any of the remaining points, you wouldn't have known from how all we were riding. Everyone gave it their all, whether they were riding or cheering on their teammates from the rail. The energy was so high and was the type of energy you only get in the post season. It was one of those moments that shows what we are all about – always give it your all no matter what and have fun while you're at it!"
Q: If you had one piece of advice to give your younger self, what would it be?
"Don't stress so much, take a breath, relax, and then get back to work. You are more than capable of getting the job done."
Q: What is your major and what is the next step for you after Auburn?
"I am majoring in psychology. After I graduate, I plan on becoming a professional in the equine industry. I feel like a lot of what I have learned is very applicable to training both riders and horses."
Q: Going into the rest of the season, what is one thing you're looking forward to?
"I'm looking forward to the postseason the most. We always ride better when the stakes are higher. You can tell there is a different kind of drive, and the energy is up. Everyone is in the mind set to win, and we all become a super tight knit group during this time. It reminds me of why I love this team so much!"
Q: Who is/was your favorite horse at Auburn and why?
"I don't think I can name just one because I've connected with a lot of the horses in my time here. However, there are a couple that stand out. The first would be Ducati. While he's not always my favorite horse to ride, I have warmed him up on meet day for the past two years. I feel like we've gotten to know each other well. Another one that comes to mind is Encore. He is newer to Auburn, but he is just super fun to ride and super cute! But truly, I love them all. Our sport wouldn't exist without them, so they are all very important to me."
Q: What is your favorite Auburn tradition and why?
"I mean, who doesn't love rolling Toomer's Corner? It's something you won't find anywhere else, and it's so fun to do after a win. It's always great to drive down and see all the trees rolled."
Q: Best Greg Williams quote?
"There are a lot, but I think 'plant the seed for a tree you will never shade under' is a great one. Do the hard work, even if you never get to see the results. He always tells us that the work we are doing now is for the young equestrians that are going to come behind us, and that the teams before us are responsible for the opportunities we have now. I find this to be so applicable to everything in life. You might not get to see a change or the results of what you are working for but know that it will benefit those that follow."