Newcomer Q&A: Tre Donaldson

Newcomer Q&A: Tre DonaldsonNewcomer Q&A: Tre Donaldson

AUBURN, Ala. – A two-sport athlete coming out of high school, Tre Donaldson could have gone just about anywhere to play football. But basketball was his passion, and it was basketball that led him to Auburn where he's already contributing as a true freshman. 

Favorite movie? Life
Favorite food? Seafood or Chicken Alfredo
Pre-game playlist? Anything Lil Baby
Favorite video game? Probably 2K (NBA 2K23)
Major? Pre-Business
Nicknames? Tr3way

When did you first start playing basketball? 

Donaldson: 4. My mom lied on the paper and said I was 5 so I could play up. I wore a headband, long sleeves every game. I had some Jordan 3s that I would never take off. 

What was your first love … football or basketball? 

Donaldson: Basketball for sure. That's why I'm not playing football in college. 

What was your favorite memory playing football? 

Donaldson: Friday Night Lights. There's nothing like it. Just the atmosphere of it. At my high school, we weren't good at first. I transferred in my eighth-grade year and then we brought in some other kids, and we changed the whole program. To watch how we changed the culture and how excited fans were to come watch us play, that was the most fun part. 

Did I see where your uncle played football at Auburn? 

Donaldson: My uncle played football here at Auburn, and my dad was committed here. But he played all three sports in college, and they wouldn't let him play all three here. So, he ended up going to Troy. 

How did growing up around sports help shape you? 

Donaldson: It shaped me a lot. My mom played a big role. She played softball at Florida State. I was always around sports. I have a picture of me sitting on a basketball watching TV. It was the first basketball I got. I was 2 years old. The atmosphere they had me around, it was just a big world. We were out of town every weekend with my sister playing, my dad or my mom playing. I guess I was just surrounded my whole life. 

What was it like growing up with five sisters? 

Donaldson: I wouldn't say it was hard because they were all tough. They were all tomboys. It definitely helped me become who I am today and made me into the man I am today. I learned how to treat women, just being around women, and then just knowing how women are because you're around them all the time.

What made you choose Auburn? 

Donaldson: BP (Bruce Pearl) and Coach Flan (Wes Flanigan). Nobody else believed in me, honestly. Everybody was just categorizing me as a football player only. BP and Coach Flan took my word for it that I only wanted to play basketball. I just wanted somebody to believe in me, and that's what they did. They gave me an opportunity to showcase my talents.

Who were some of the schools to offer you a scholarship to play football? 

Donaldson: I had probably every school in the country for football. Alabama, Auburn, Clemson, Miami, Florida State. Michigan. Tennessee. I got Tennessee, Florida and Alabama all in one night. 

Why basketball then? What made you give up football and focus on basketball? 

Donaldson: Basketball is my passion. Everybody has a passion. I was never in basketball season in high school saying, "Oh, I can't wait for football season." I was always in football season saying I can't wait for basketball season. That just showed me that basketball is my passion. It helps me express myself in different ways. As you can see, I play with tons of passion. This is how I get to express myself. This is my happy place. 

Describe Bruce Pearl in one word. 

Donaldson: Lit. Either positive or negative, he's just lit. He might be getting on to you one time, but then all of a sudden like the Alabama game last year, he's sweeping. He's just a lit, fun guy. He's always on fire about something. 

What do you bring to this team? Describe your game. 

Donaldson: I bring a play-making mentality. I'm a team-first guy. I'm a pleaser. I'm going to do whatever you need me to do. If you need me to go play defense, I'll go play defense. If you need me to go score, I'll go score. Right now, I just play my role and continue to help us win. 

Have you always had big hair? 

Donaldson: No, the hair started in middle school. My dad always made me keep it fresh and cut low, but I never liked getting it cut down low. He told me as long as I find my own look and I'm not trying to be like anybody else and I'm just trying to be Tre, I can get my hair however I want it. I just started letting it grow out. I liked it, and I just let it go.

Do you feel like it's a part of you now? 

Donaldson: Yeah, my hair is definitely part of me. I embrace it. It's my identity for sure. When you walk in the room, you're definitely going to see me because of my hair.