Get To Know: Anne Douglas Hamiter

Get To Know: Anne Douglas HamiterGet To Know: Anne Douglas Hamiter

It's time to meet the Auburn equestrian freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers.
We're kicking off the week with Jumping Seat rider Anne Douglas Hamiter! She is originally from Tuscaloosa and is pursuing a degree in nursing.
Q: Why Auburn?
A: "I chose Auburn because it feels like home the second you walk onto the campus. There is such a great community of people here who will help you become the best version of yourself. It truly is a family here."

What is your major and what do you hope to do with it after college?
"I am a nursing major and after college I plan to become a nurse anesthetist or a NICU nurse."
What is your favorite Auburn tradition so far?
"My favorite Auburn tradition so far is watching the eagle fly at the beginning of the home games. It is a sight to see."
What are you most excited about this season?
"This season, I am most excited to see how our hard work will pay off and grow even closer with all the amazing girls on our team."
How are you managing being on the equestrian team and your class load?
"The best way for me to manage being on the equestrian team with my schoolwork is to always work ahead and communicate with my teachers! They are all there to help."
What is your favorite thing to do in Auburn?
"My favorite thing to do in Auburn is to go to sporting events and to walk around campus. It is so fun to support other athletes and the campus is so pretty."
What was your favorite class you took this past semester?
My favorite class I took in the fall was Human Developmental Family Sciences. Such a fun and interesting class with a great teacher."
What horse is your favorite to ride for Auburn?
"My favorite horse to ride for Auburn is a tough question, but probably Herbie. I also love Chunky, Bebe, and Teddy."
What is your favorite memory with the equestrian team thus far?
"My favorite memory with the equestrian team thus far was probably our win against Oklahoma State right before Thanksgiving break. It was such a fun and special win!"
What does 'War Eagle' mean to you?
"'War Eagle' means a lot to me, but two words that come to mind when I think about it are family and hard work. Auburn is truly a family and a home away from home. Everyone here believes in working hard to achieve their goals which has been spoken to me since I was a kid."
What is it like being from Tuscaloosa coming to Auburn?
"Because I grew up in Tuscaloosa, I never thought I would go to Auburn. Everyone in my family has gone to the University of Alabama and my brother even plays baseball there. After the first time I came to visit here, I was pleasantly surprised and knew this was where I belonged. My parents even love Auburn now too!"
What is your best advice to incoming freshmen for balancing school and sports?
"The best advice I could give to incoming freshmen for balancing school and sports is to always stay organized. Make a schedule, stay on top of your schoolwork, and get lots of sleep. It will get easier."
What is the biggest lesson you've learned so far from being an equestrian? 
"The biggest lesson I've learned from being an equestrian is selflessness. Coming to Auburn and riding on a team especially, I have learned how to put 50 horses and a team of 42 girls before myself. It is truly an honor!"