GET TO KNOW: Paige Zancan


AUBURN, Ala. – Another school year means another season of Auburn gymnastics! And as we get ready to kick off the 2024 season in January, it is time to get to know the 10 newcomers to the squad. Last but certainly not least is freshman Paige Zancan!
Hometown: Mt. Airy, Md.
Club: Hills Gymnastics
Prior to Auburn: Five-time Level 10 Development Program National Championship qualifier … 2019 National Floor Champion… 2023 Region 7 Champion on beam, floor, and the all-around… 2021 Region 7 Champion on floor and the all-around.
Q: Why Auburn?
A: "I chose Auburn because it felt like home as soon as I stepped on campus. When I first stepped foot on campus four years ago, I knew it was something I wanted to be part of and I am so proud that I can be part of something this big."
Q: What's your major and why did you choose it?
A: "My major is business marketing, and I chose this major because it has a lot of stability. I enjoy the creativity that goes behind marketing."
Q: What do you hope to do once you are done with school?
A: "I hope to work for a big company like Apple or Samsung to help advertise their products."
Q: What's your favorite thing about your hometown, what makes it unique?
A: "I love the size of my hometown. It is a small town where everyone knows each other which makes it feel very safe."
Q: What does a typical day in your life at Auburn look like?
A: "I usually start my day off with getting treatment if I have time in the morning. Then I go to class or go to Wellness Kitchen depending on the day. Practice is next on my agenda, and then I ice tub after practice. I finish my day with dinner at Wellness with the whole team and then go to study hall for at least an hour."
Q: What's your favorite event and why?
A: "My favorite event is floor because it draws the crowd in. It has a performance factor that shows your power as an athlete as well as grace with your performance."
Q: What are you most looking forward to here at Auburn?
A: "I am looking forward to Auburn competitions. The gymnastics atmosphere is like nothing else I have ever seen here at Auburn and being able to do what I love with some of my best friends, I just can't wait!"
Q: How did you get involved in gymnastics?
A: "I got into gymnastics at the age of three. My mom was a softball player from childhood to college ball and she put me into gymnastics classes so that it could help with my softball future. As you can tell, my softball future was never made and to this day I still can't catch a ball."
Q: What is your pre-meet ritual?
A: "My pre-meet ritual is to listen to my music on my air pods and get a coffee in the morning."
Q: With your mom playing softball at Towson, what got you into gymnastics? 
A: "Gymnastics kept me active, and my mom thought it was a sport that would keep me well-rounded for any other sport that I may have wanted to do in the future. Obviously, I didn't get past the sport of gymnastics."
Q: What is the coolest thing you've done in the past year?
A: "The coolest thing I have done in the past year was going to Puerto Rico for a competition."
Q: What is on the top of your bucket list?
A: "The top of my bucket list is to go to Greece. I have always loved traveling and Greece has always been a place I have wanted to visit since I was about 10 years old."
Q: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why?
A: "If I were stranded on an island, I would bring JuJu (Julianne Huff), a blanket, and a lighter. A blanket would be to keep me warm, a lighter to cook any food I might have caught, and then JuJu because the two of us could be entertained inside a box."
Q: What is your go-to karaoke song?
A: "I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor is my go-to karaoke song."