
Duncan McKinney Season 2012


Duncan McKinney Season 2012

Weight182 lbs
HometownFlorence, Ala.

20130730_mckinney.jpg 2015 | Reserve placekicker ... five years in the program as a walk-on

2014 | Did not see varsity action for the Tigers ... SEC Academic Honor Roll and Academic Top Tiger

2013 | Did not see playing time for the SEC Champions ... SEC Academic Honor Roll

2012 | Did not see varsity action for Auburn ... SEC Academic Honor Roll

High School | Coach: Alvin Briggs ... holds Florence High kicking records for points in a game, season and career ... ASWA special teams player of week ... Florence Times Daily player of week ... team top scholar and special teams MVP ... team captain in soccer and defensive MVP ... Eagle Scout, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Spanish National Honor Society, Alabama Boys' State delegate, Skills USA, chorus and show choir

Personal | Birthday is September 3 ... son of Chester Jr. and Jenny McKinney ... dad was a football walk-on at Auburn ... has one older brother, Chet ... has been active in campus student government ... member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity ... Major at Auburn: Entrepreneurship and Family Business ... received his bachelor's degree in December, 2015
