Lauren Silvio

Lauren Silvio

PositionDirector of Sports Nutrition
Lauren Silvio
Lauren Silvio

Began at Auburn: July 2016

Education: Lauren received her bachelor's degree in food and nutrition from the University of Alabama in 2013, along with completing her dietetic internship in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics from 2012-2013 at Alabama. She received her Master's degree in Kinesiology with a focus on Exercise Physiology from Louisiana State University in 2015. She has been a Registered Dietitian (RD) since July 2013 and a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) since February 2016.

Job Responsibilities: Lauren oversees the Sports Nutrition Department which is responsible for the education and fueling of all student athletes in the Auburn Athletics Department. Lauren’s direct sport responsibility is football which includes organizing practice, home and away fueling for the team, group and individual athlete nutrition education, and body composition analysis. She is also responsible for working with the Wellness Kitchen to review menus and food preparation methods, involved with the Auburn YOU student athlete experience program, and works as a part of the sports medicine team to ensure that Auburn athletes are receiving the best possible care for their sport and overall well-being.

Past Experience: Lauren came to Auburn after serving as the Assistant Director of Sports Nutrition at Louisiana State University. She joined the LSU full time staff after working for two years as a full-time Intern Sports RD for LSU while completing graduate school.

Personal: Lauren is a native of Birmingham, Ala.