Farewells, a return and new beginning for Auburn football

Farewells, a return and new beginning for Auburn footballFarewells, a return and new beginning for Auburn football

Jan. 5, 2017

By Charles Goldberg

AUBURN, Ala. - The comings and goings of some Auburn football players have been a click away on Twitter this week.

Quarterback Jarrett Stidham said a goodbye to Waco, Texas, where he was once a quarterback at Baylor, and tweeted Thursday "Sweet home Alabama, here I come!"

Stidham, who is transferring to Auburn, participated in bowl practice for a few days on campus in December before the Tigers headed to the Sugar Bowl. He'll attend his first classes when school resumes Wednesday and will begin offseason work.

An Auburn player tweeted Wednesday about his decision to leave early for the NFL. That was defensive lineman Carl Lawson, who thanked Auburn and its fans for their support. Another Auburn player, lineman Braden Smith, said he would return for his senior season, much to the Twitter delight of offensive line coach Herb Hand.

Senior defensive lineman Montravius Adams thanked Auburn in a tweet Wednesday. So did defensive back Josh Holsey and center Xavier Dampeer - the "X" in the tweets below - did the same. Receiver and occasional running back Stanton Truitt tweeted Tuesday he was transferring, and thanked Auburn for his time on the football team.

Here's a sampling of those tweets:





Charles Goldberg is a Senior Writer at AuburnTigers.com. Follow him on Twitter: Follow @AUGoldMine