Kylie Shields Season 2010

Kylie Shields Season 2010

HometownMahopac, N.Y.

Career Highs
Vault - 9.925 at NCAA Regionals (4/7/12)
Bars - 9.925 twice, last vs. Southern Utah (3/2/12)
Beam - 9.900 four times, last at LSU (1/13/12)
Floor - 9.850 six times, last vs. Southern Utah (3/2/12)
All-Around - 39.475 vs. Southern Utah (3/2/12)

Awards and Honors
2012 NCAA Qualifier (vault)
2012 SEC Academic Honor Roll
2011 NCAA Qualifier (all-around)
2011 SEC Community Service Team
2011 SEC Academic Honor Roll
2010 SEC Academic Honor Roll
2009 Auburn Freshman of the Year
2009 Freshman SEC Academic Honor Roll
2009 Academic All-American

2012: Earned 14 individual titles this season, two on vault, five on bars, three on beam and four in the all-around...Won vault title against Southern Utah and at NCAA Regionals ... Won uneven bars title at the Cancun Classic, at LSU, against Florida, against Southern Utah and at SEMO ... Won beam title at LSU, against Georgia and against Southern Utah ... Won all-around title against Georgia, against Alabama, against Southern Utah and at SEMO... Scored a 9.875 on bars to place first at the Cancun Classic ... Tied for first on bars with a score of 9.800 and placed first on beam matching her career-high with a score of 9.900 at LSU ... Posted a 39.25 to place first all-around and first in beam against Georgia scoring a 9.775 on vault, 9.800 on bars, 9.875 on beam and a 9.800 on floor ... Scored a 39.225 in the all-around to place first against Alabama scoring a 9.775 on vault, 9.900 on bars, 9.725 on beam and 9.825 on floor ... Matched her career-high of 9.850 on floor at Arkansas ... Scored a career-high 9.925 on bars to tie for first against Florida ... Scored a 9.850 on floor matching her career-high at Kentucky ... Placed first with a score of 9.850 on vault, tied for first matching her career-high with a score of 9.925 on bars, placed first scoring a 9.850 on beam and matched her career-high with a score of 9.850 on floor to win the all-around title with a career-high score of 39.475 against Southern Utah ... Placed first scoring a 9.850 on bars and won the all-around title with a score of 39.200 at SEMO posting scores of 9.775 on vault, 9.825 on beam and 9.750 on floor ... Competed at the SEC Championships scoring a 9.800 on vault, 9.775 on vault, 9.500 on beam, 9.675 on floor and a 38.875 in the all-around ... Competed in NCAA Regionals scoring a career-high of 9.925 on vault ... Competed vault at NCAA Women's Gymnastic Nationals scoring a 9.700.

2011:Earned seven individual titles this season, two on bars, four on beam and one in the all-around ... Won uneven bars title at Iowa State and against Arkansas ... Won beam title at Florida, against Pittsburgh, at Southern Utah and against SEMO ... Won all-around title at Southern Utah ... Scored a 9.825 on bars to place first at Iowa State ... Placed second against LSU in bars with a 9.775 ... Matched a then career-high 9.850 and placed third on beam and placed first with a 9.825 on bars against Arkansas ... Posted a 9.800 on bars and a 9.825 on beam placing second in both events against Kentucky ... Scored a career high 9.875 on bars and placed third against Alabama ... Scored a 9.750 on vault, a 9.725 on beam and a 9.875 on bars at Florida ... Set a career high on vault with a 9.825 and a career high on beam with a 9.900 against Pittsburgh ... Tied for second on bars with a 9.800 and on beam with 9.825 against BYU ... Posted a career high 39.300 in the all-around at Southern Utah scoring a 9.775 on vault, a 9.825 on bars, a 9.875 on beam and a 9.825 on floor ... Matched a career high on beam with a 9.900 against SEMO ... Competed in the all-around at the SEC Championship scoring a 9.750 on vault, a 9.800 on bars, a 9.700 on beam and a 9.800 on floor...Placed fifth in all-around at NCAA Regionals setting a career high 9.850 on floor ... Scored 9.725 or better on bars in every meet this season ... Anchored the bars lineup in every meet this season.

2010:One of two all-around competitors for the Tigers ... Scored season bests on vault, bars and tied for a season high on beam against Arkansas ... Tallied a career best on floor (9.850) and all-around (39.225) against Kentucky en route to capturing her first all-around title ... Scored career-high 9.900 on beam against Denver and first event title ... Tallied a career high in all-around competition against Maryland with a cumulative score of 39.275 ... One of two Tigers to compete in every event during season ... Auburn[apos]s highest-finisher at the SEC Championship, placing 10th on beam (9.850) and was Auburn[apos]s top all-arounder with a 39.175 ... Anchored the beam lineup in 11-of-12 meets ... Earned NCAA Championship alternate status in the all-around after tying for fifth-place at the NCAA Salt Lake Regional, but failed to advance to Nationals due to a tiebreaker ... 2010 Wentworth Award winner for best exemplifying the Auburn Creed.

2009:Versatile gymnast who competed on vault, bars and beam in freshman season ... Vaulted in all 13 meets for the Tigers, and competed on beam in 12 meets ... Hit a career best on vault with a 9.825 at Alabama ... Tallied a 9.850 on beam on four occasions and earned a 9.800 or higher in seven performances ... Entered the NCAA Central Region[apos]s top-10 rankings on beam on March 2 and ended year ranked No. 11 in the region.

Prior to Auburn:Shattered the New York record on vault and tied all-around and bars scores while in high school ... Scored a perfect 10 on floor exercise ... Three-time Junior Olympic Level 10 national qualifier ... Floor, vault and beam champ at 2008 New York Varsity Championships ... Captured four titles at 2007 New York Varsity Championships: bars, vault, floor and all-around.

Personal:Full name is Kylie R. Shields ... Born Oct. 9, 1990 ... Daughter of Don and Karen Shields ... Has a sister, Allison (22), who is an assistant field hockey coach at Stevens Institute of Technology ... Major: Hotel & Restaurant Management.

Miscellaneous: Nickname: Ky ... I chose Auburn because: of the warmth and comfort I felt when I stepped onto campus ... People would be surprised to know: that I speak German... If I could compete in another sport at Auburn, it would be: tennis...My hero is: my sister... My favorite food is: sushi...My biggest fear is: that I will disappoint the people I love... My dream job is: owning a facility where I could teach gymnastics, yoga, rock climbing, tennis, and wakeboarding... What motivates me is: my family... My most memorable sports moment is: making NCAA[apos]s... My favorite movie is: UP and Kill Bill II... My favorite TV show is: How I Met Your Mother... My career highlight is: Making NCAA as an All-Arounder despite my injury... I can[apos]t live without: the people I love... My first memory of Auburn was: driving by Samford Hall ...The most famous person I have ever met was: Jeff Bridges... My favorite Auburn tradition is: When the eagle flies.